Tuesday, November 11, 2008

11 Days

It's eleven days into NaNo 2008, and I'm very pleased with my progress. I'm behind right now by about 2,000 words, but I think I can make that up, plus some tonight, after the kids are in bed.

My novel is going well. I've got about fifty pages. I have the first four chapters completed as much as they are going to get at the moment. I have snippets and parts of the next few parts, but I'm kinda stuck on some things. So, I'm trying to fit everything together.

Right now, I've got most of the major parts written out, all except the end, but it either seems like I'm moving too fast, or things are going too slow.

I'm just trying to fight the ever growing urge to go back and edit everything. I need to get the words down, then worry about the story. I need to get myself from point A to point B, before I go back and start changing things.

Well, it's back to work, now. Just wanted to give you a little update. :)

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